May Health Challenge: Take a Break from Social Media

May Health Challenge: Take a Break from Social Media

Does spending time on social media bring you joy? Or does it do just the opposite? For some, it can increase anxiety and depression, foster procrastination, magnify attention difficulties and create distance from real human interactions. This month's health challenge is to take a break from social media. Spend time with real friends, not Facebook friends - they are not the same. You may find that your mood improves, you sleep better, have more time, are more focused, feel more deeply connected with friends/family and experience increased well-being overall.

April Health Challenge: Move your Body!

April Health Challenge: Move your Body!

As a whole, we as humans are moving much less often than our ancestors. And that's not good. A highly sedentary and inactive lifestyle increases our risk for numerous health conditions. This month, I challenge you to move your body every day. Further, I challenge you to make sure you are doing both aerobic exercise (the kind that gets your heart rate up, gets you a little out of breath and gets you sweating) and strength training (either using weights, or using your body weight as resistance, as in yoga or pilates). 

March Health Challenge: Eat More Vegetables

March Health Challenge: Eat More Vegetables

This month I challenge you to eat your veggies! Lots of them. And all the colors! At least 5 cups a day of them. But if you can, I would encourage you to aim for 9 cups a day this month. And, if you're currently eating none, maybe you commit to 3 cups a day....or even 1 cup a day? OK, half a cup? I know you can do it! Every step towards health makes a difference, and we all have to start somewhere. Choose a goal that works for you.

February Health Challenge: Meditate Every Day

February Health Challenge: Meditate Every Day

For the short and sweet month of February, our health challenge will be to meditate every day, in an effort to cultivate more mindfulness in our lives. It's a chilly month across much of the continent, and a great time to turn inward and cultivate a daily meditation practice. 

January Health Challenge: Optimal Hydration

January Health Challenge: Optimal Hydration

This year I have decided to suggest monthly "health challenges," as sometimes the smallest changes can lead to profound health benefits. Also, it's often difficult to make a bunch of changes all at once, so focusing on just one health habit a month can be more manageable. For January, the focus is on optimal hydration. Read on to learn more about how much water you should be drinking, as well as the benefits of staying well hydrated. I would love if you join me in prioritizing optimal hydration this month!