Natural Living

Naturopathic Travel Kit

Naturopathic Travel Kit

Traveling can be incredibly soul fulfilling and widens your horizons in the most exciting way. But as fantastic as travel is, sometimes dealing with different time zones, long plane/bus/train rides, varying from your usual diet and getting less sleep can all take a toll on your health. That’s why I always travel with my own travel sized natural wellness kit. What I take with me will vary, depending on where I am traveling to, whether or not it is rural or urban, and the kinds of illnesses that are common in the area. Learn about my favorite supplements to include in a natural wellness kit for travel, below. All of the products are available on FullScript - just look under my favorites category “Travel Kit”.

3 Lifestyle Choices to Support Health and Earth

3 Lifestyle Choices to Support Health and Earth

There are a plethora of hot topic environmental issues at the forefront in the media currently. I will not be going into all of those here. What I want to focus on are just 3 very simple lifestyle choices we can make that will directly improve our health, and make an impact on the health of our planet. We often think that our daily choices are insignificant. But they are not. Even our seemingly small daily choices add up over time and have real effects on our bodies and our planet.

10 Day Spring Reset

10 Day Spring Reset

As a 10-Day Spring Reset, I’ve put together a list of 6 simple practices for you to incorporate into your daily routine, to help to give your body and mind the post-winter tune up it needs. Commit to these practices for a full 10 days and see how good you will feel. You may even continue a few of them going forward!

Power up your Morning Routine: 5 Health-Boosting Habits

Power up your Morning Routine: 5 Health-Boosting Habits

Sometimes our days get so packed with “to'-do’s” that self-care and health habits can be pushed to the wayside. However, if we choose to start our day with a 30 minute health supporting routine, we can at least be happy we did that, as a bare minimum, on the days that other things (exercise, eating ALL the veggies, getting out in nature, etc) get neglected. So, instead of spending 30 minutes pressing the snooze button, use that time to get a head start on supporting your health for the day.