Public Health

3 Lifestyle Choices to Support Health and Earth

3 Lifestyle Choices to Support Health and Earth

There are a plethora of hot topic environmental issues at the forefront in the media currently. I will not be going into all of those here. What I want to focus on are just 3 very simple lifestyle choices we can make that will directly improve our health, and make an impact on the health of our planet. We often think that our daily choices are insignificant. But they are not. Even our seemingly small daily choices add up over time and have real effects on our bodies and our planet.

April Health Challenge: Move your Body!

April Health Challenge: Move your Body!

As a whole, we as humans are moving much less often than our ancestors. And that's not good. A highly sedentary and inactive lifestyle increases our risk for numerous health conditions. This month, I challenge you to move your body every day. Further, I challenge you to make sure you are doing both aerobic exercise (the kind that gets your heart rate up, gets you a little out of breath and gets you sweating) and strength training (either using weights, or using your body weight as resistance, as in yoga or pilates).