Food as Medicine

Food and the Immune System

Food and the Immune System

The immune system, like all our bodily systems, thrives off of eating a wide variety of whole foods and lots of vegetables. Here I discuss some of the key micronutrients required for optimal immune function and some good food options for getting them into your diet. Think about including a variety of these foods in your diet to support your body with the vitamins and minerals that we know support your immune system in doing its job. You’ll also find some general recommendations for supporting optimal immune system health with food at the end.

Power up your Morning Routine: 5 Health-Boosting Habits

Power up your Morning Routine: 5 Health-Boosting Habits

Sometimes our days get so packed with “to'-do’s” that self-care and health habits can be pushed to the wayside. However, if we choose to start our day with a 30 minute health supporting routine, we can at least be happy we did that, as a bare minimum, on the days that other things (exercise, eating ALL the veggies, getting out in nature, etc) get neglected. So, instead of spending 30 minutes pressing the snooze button, use that time to get a head start on supporting your health for the day.

March Health Challenge: Eat More Vegetables

March Health Challenge: Eat More Vegetables

This month I challenge you to eat your veggies! Lots of them. And all the colors! At least 5 cups a day of them. But if you can, I would encourage you to aim for 9 cups a day this month. And, if you're currently eating none, maybe you commit to 3 cups a day....or even 1 cup a day? OK, half a cup? I know you can do it! Every step towards health makes a difference, and we all have to start somewhere. Choose a goal that works for you.

January Health Challenge: Optimal Hydration

January Health Challenge: Optimal Hydration

This year I have decided to suggest monthly "health challenges," as sometimes the smallest changes can lead to profound health benefits. Also, it's often difficult to make a bunch of changes all at once, so focusing on just one health habit a month can be more manageable. For January, the focus is on optimal hydration. Read on to learn more about how much water you should be drinking, as well as the benefits of staying well hydrated. I would love if you join me in prioritizing optimal hydration this month!